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op3_top_show_apps() obtains the download numbers for individual podcast applications over the last three calendar months for a specific show.





String representing an OP3 show UUID, podcast GUID, or a podcast RSS feed URL.


tibble data frame with the following columns:

  • show_uuid: OP3 show UUID

  • app_name: Name of podcast application

  • value: Number of downloads in the last three calendar months


# Requires API token

op3_top_show_apps(show_id = "bb28afcc-137e-5c66-b231-4ffad7979b44")
#> # A tibble: 33 × 3
#>    app_name          value show_uuid                       
#>    <chr>             <int> <chr>                           
#>  1 Apple Podcasts      778 c008c9c7cfe847dda55cfdde54a22154
#>  2 Overcast            550 c008c9c7cfe847dda55cfdde54a22154
#>  3 Pocket Casts        350 c008c9c7cfe847dda55cfdde54a22154
#>  4 gPodder             339 c008c9c7cfe847dda55cfdde54a22154
#>  5 Podcast Addict      265 c008c9c7cfe847dda55cfdde54a22154
#>  6 YouTube Music       188 c008c9c7cfe847dda55cfdde54a22154
#>  7 Google Podcasts     158 c008c9c7cfe847dda55cfdde54a22154
#>  8 AntennaPod          139 c008c9c7cfe847dda55cfdde54a22154
#>  9 Snipd                93 c008c9c7cfe847dda55cfdde54a22154
#> 10 Unknown Apple App    89 c008c9c7cfe847dda55cfdde54a22154
#> # ℹ 23 more rows